A Year In Review (Part Two)

by Brenna Holeman

August: A month of visiting the Philippines, of beautiful sunsets, delicious breakfasts, and snorkelling in turquoise waters for days on end.

September: A month of saying goodbye to my home, Japan.

October: A month of China, Mongolia, and Russia, of trains and more trains, of homestays, gers, hotels and, finally, a flight to Canada.

November: A month visiting the Grand Canyon, Halifax, and Toronto, of family and friends.

I haven’t uploaded any photos of December to my computer yet (I’m always behind on those kinds of things), but it was a month of finally getting to my hometown, Winnipeg, spending time with family, and drinking way too much eggnog. See January to July here.

Overall, it was a very good year. There were ups and downs, but mostly ups, and really, what more can you ask for? I hope that you, too, had a good year, and that 2011 brings you everything you desire.

Happy New Year!

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K December 31, 2010 - 8:27 am

I’ve read your blogs at LJ and followed the link you posted to your new blog. I am fascinated by your traveling life; it is something I’d love to do more of, to travel and write.. anyway, I love how you mentioned the Philippines in your post, with the matching photos. That’s where I grew up, and definitely plan to come back and travel within the country.

Sabrina December 31, 2010 - 11:52 am


kay*(from india.with love) December 31, 2010 - 4:43 pm

you’ve had quite the amazing year! here’s to 2011 – happy new year to you friend 🙂

p.s. gear update via email please!! 🙂

This Battered Suitcase January 1, 2011 - 9:31 am

K – Thanks a lot for your comment! I really appreciate it and I’m glad that you followed me over from LJ. I absolutely loved the Philippines and I know that I will be back one day!

Sabrina – Thank you very much!

Kisha – I can’t wait to see where 2011 takes us…and I can’t wait to share those Kingfishers in only a few weeks (can you believe it?)! And yes, I owe you an email…I got some nice gifts from Santa! 😉


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