Around the World: Bicycles

by Brenna Holeman

Innsbruck Bicycle

Innsbruck, Austria

Bocas Del Toro Bicycle

Bocas del Toro, Panama

Kathmandu Bicycle

Kathmandu, Nepal

Colonia Bicycle

Colonia, Uruguay

Yogyakarta Bicycle

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Livingstone Bicycle

Livingstone, Zambia

Yangon Bicycle

Yangon, Myanmar

Amsterdam Bicycle

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Paraty Bicycle

Paraty, Brazil

Osaka Bicyle

Osaka, Japan

Bernalda Bicycle

Bernalda, Italy

Luang Prabang Bicycle

Luang Prabang, Laos

Seoul Bicycle

Seoul, South Korea

I grew up riding a bike around my neighbourhood – it was simply the thing to do in the summer, jump on our bikes and ride down to the convenience store for Slurpees and penny candy. Years later, at university on the east coast of Canada, I bought a bike I’d ride to school, chugging up the hills of Halifax. Now, living in London, I rarely ride bicycles; despite the proliferation of Boris Bikes available to ride in the city, the traffic often scares me away. I miss being on a bike, though, even if bicycles haven’t always treated me kindly. I once went to Ireland with my family and cycled through a few counties for a month, and it was the perfect way to see the country.

I sometimes set strange goals for myself when I travel. One of them is to go on a boat in every country I visit; another is to ride a bicycle in every country I visit. It hasn’t always been the case, but there’s something about riding a bike through a new place that can’t be beat: the bumps in the road, the sights whizzing by, the wind in your hair.

Do you own a bicycle? Do you often cycle in new cities/countries when you travel?

For more in the Around the World series, click here

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rebecca November 20, 2014 - 1:01 am

Love the contrast in these photos, bet some of them would be pretty cool in instagram. I am a big fan of cycle and traveling myself. Its a great way to see the city

Brenna Holeman November 20, 2014 - 1:50 am

Thanks, Rebecca! A few of them are on instagram already but I might upload others in the future…

Anna @ shenANNAgans November 20, 2014 - 6:45 am

Awesome post. I love that you have a goal to go on a boat and ride a bike in every country. Mine is to eat McDonalds in every country, stemmed from working there as a teen. 🙂 I do not own a bicycle, but have access to one if I want, my bro is a semi professional cyclist. I don’t think I have ever gone for a bike ride in other countries outside my own. Hmmmm… Better change that up quick smart.

Brenna Holeman November 20, 2014 - 7:27 pm

Ha ha – that’s a fun goal to have! McDonald’s is so different in every country, it’s quite cool. I do recommend biking in other countries, it’s such a great way to see a new place!

Laura November 20, 2014 - 8:51 am

I always love your Around the World posts, they always give me photo inspiration for when I’m out traveling with my camera. Also, love your outfit in the Seoul photo!

Brenna Holeman November 20, 2014 - 7:26 pm

Aw, thank you very much, Laura!

Franca November 20, 2014 - 11:54 am

I like your challenges, did you manage to go on a boat in every country you visited?
I don’t own a bike, I use to cycle to work before travelling but I’ve never been a huge bicycle person. I need to improve that 😉

Brenna Holeman November 20, 2014 - 7:26 pm

Not every country, but a fair few! I like doing river cruises if I can, they’re always a nice way to see the city. Thanks for your comment, Franca!

Zalie November 22, 2014 - 4:51 pm

These are wonderful pictures. I love when you post theme shots on your blog. I miss riding our bikes around Fort Garry and getting slurpees!! If we are both in Winnipeg in the summer again we should make a point of doing that xoxo

Brenna Holeman November 22, 2014 - 11:30 pm

Yes! That sounds like a great idea. I would love to do that again…

The Beauty of Bicycles in Aarhus - This Battered Suitcase July 23, 2015 - 11:48 pm

[…] Yeah, I’m going to get straight to the point here – this post is purely to showcase these photos of bicycles in Aarhus, Denmark. I visited Aarhus at the end of June and I absolutely loved it; not only is it a beautiful city, it’s full of warm people and fun things to do. It’s also full of bicycles, and I do love a good photo of a bicycle. […]


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