Toronto, Canada Main Entry: traveller Part of Speech: noun Definition: person who journeys Synonyms: adventurer, barnstormer, drifter, excursionist, expeditionist, explorer, gadabout, globetrotter, gypsy, jet-setter, junketer, navigator, nomad, pilgrim, rambler, roamer, seafarer, trouper,…
Brenna Holeman
Brenna Holeman
Brenna Holeman has travelled to over 100 countries in the past 17 years, many of them on her own. She's now a solo mom living in Winnipeg, Canada. She's also a big fan of whisky and window seats.
Hanoi, Vietnam Without fail, I always find myself in markets when I travel. The markets vary; I’ve gotten lost among stalls of fruit and baskets of spices, bowls of silver jewellery and…
Driving Around New Zealand The Christmas I spent in New Zealand had sand instead of snow. The days were warm; I swam in the cold ocean, I drank too much ginger beer,…
On the Kinabatangan River, Borneo Was it really nearly four months ago that I was in Borneo? What a dreamy blur it all was: drifting down the river at dawn, trying to…
“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” -William Shakespeare Today is a rainy day in Osaka, the kind of day that calls for reading books at the laundromat, cooking pesto…