Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash
If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know that I very rarely partner with companies or tourist boards on this site or its social media. I’ve certainly relaxed my stance on this in the past few years – I’ll accept the occasional press trip or work with the occasional travel company if I feel that it’s a good fit and/or I’ve used the company before – but I’m always hesitant to work with too many companies because, well, too much sponsored stuff sucks.
That being said, when Trover, a travel photography app/website that helps you plan and organise your trips, got in touch, I sat up and paid attention. I’ve known about and used Trover for a long time, as have many of my fellow traveller and friends in the travel industry; it’s for travellers, and best of all, it’s by travellers, so you know you’re getting the best of the best.
What I like the most about Trover is how specific it is; unlike Pinterest or Instagram, it sorts through all of the irrelevant photos or information and provides you with only the best and the most useful. It’s a more curated and organised way of researching your destination – everything is geotagged – and a much easier way to find inspiration for all the things you want to do whilst you’re there.
Take Monterosso al Mare, for example, one of my favourite villages of Italy’s Cinque Terre. If I search for Monterosso on Instagram, I get this:
There’s nothing wrong with these photographs, but there is absolutely no information given about the village or what I should do whilst there in 95% of these captions. I am totally guilty of this, too; so often I post a photo on Instagram with a catchy quotation or maybe even a caption that is totally unrelated.
Pinterest is the same; so often I look at Pinterest and see a lot of pretty photos, but when I actually click the related link, I get very little useful information. For example, the other day I clicked on a beautiful image that promised me an in-depth guide to solo female travel… and what I got was a 300-word blog post that told me to wear a fake wedding ring. Um, OK, thanks. Both platforms, while beautiful and addictive, can sometimes lack substance.
Meanwhile, when I search for Monterosso on Trover, I get this:
Now we’re talking. I can even click on a map and see more specific locations as tagged by users:
Or, if I want something specific, like the best hiking routes near Monterosso, I can go deeper still:
Bottom line, Trover is much more in-depth and useful when it comes to curating your travel planning and inspiration, because the Trover community is there to help; it’s not overrun with people spamming posts with hashtags to get likes (*cough* Instagram *cough*) or favouring pretty photos over useful information (*cough* Pinterest *cough*).
Forget weeding through thousands of selfies or blurry images, Trover provides you with real, helpful information alongside great photography. It’s for people who love travelling and love sharing their travels, too. I absolutely hate whenever there’s a new travel tech trend or app (I’m still not on Snapchat) but even I have been charmed by Trover, so that’s saying something.
You can get involved on Trover by uploading your own discoveries to help out other travellers, and/or to create lists (“Dream Destinations in Italy”, for example) with both your own photos and the photos/tips from others. Trover is the kind of app/website that is based on community, and I absolutely love that.
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
And because this time of year always has me thinking about gratitude, when Trover got in touch with me about working together, I said I’d only promote it if I could give back to the community as well. In the spirit of that, I created a list on Trover of all of the adventures I’m most grateful for; while I’m grateful for all of the travelling I’ve done in my life, these journeys in particular hold a special place in my heart.
And for the giveaway, and where you come in: I’d like to personally send out a package of a bunch of my favourite travel-inspired gifts in time for the December holidays. Think my favourite travel memoirs, a passport holder, a luggage tag, a pair of earrings from East Africa, and more. On top of that, the winner will be able to Skype with me for a personal session to discuss travel advice, travel blogging, freelance writing, or whatever you’d like to talk about (you know I have some gossip beyond this blog to share, too). Anyone from anywhere in the world can enter; I have no problems sending the package internationally.
Photo by Evan Kirby on Unsplash
In order to enter this giveaway, you have to do the following:
–sign up for Trover (it’s incredibly easy, and you can download the app if you’d prefer to use it on your smartphone or tablet)
-upload at least three discoveries of your own, using the hashtag #troveon in the caption (though feel free to add any other relevant hashtags so that your images are searchable)
-come back to this blog post and comment here with your username (please provide a link to your profile) so I can take a look!
If you already have a Trover account, simply skip straight to the second and third steps. I will pick my favourite photo/discovery on Trover by December 4th and contact you by the email you leave with your comment here.
I can’t wait to check out your photos and discoveries. Make sure to follow me, too, so that we can be friends on Trover!
I am usually quick to turn my nose up at giveaways, usually because the blogger in question only wants a raise, and has never actually head of the product. This, however, actually looks useful! I think trip planning is so fun and really builds up the excitement for departure day. Also, you are one of the most authentic people I know (er, read?), so I trust you! Thanks! Username is Cate Kelly
Trover is so awesome… And a much more productive rabbit hole to fall into than Instagram!
My three posts are under Tabitha Langley 🙂
I actually really like this app! You can find me under Mary Gross Gatesman! Thanks for the reccomendation ?
Thank you for reminding me of this app (and also of this time of year (need to start buying my Christmas presents:))!
Your post is just in time for my forthcoming trips to York and Malta – I’ve just searched and found some interesting things to see and do.
Your reader –
Alina (on the app as well)
Oh, just realised there are two Alinas on trover.. I’m this one: https://www.trover.com/u/2822544329
I wish I knew about this while I was traveling around SE Asia last year. It would have been so, so helpful! It’ll just make my next trip that much better!
You’ll find my pics under Jodi B.
Thanks for giving me a new outlet for procrastination.
I completely forgot about Trover! I found out about it a few years back and had an account but I forgot about it. I just recently moved to Mysore, India and just from getting back on I was able to find some great things that I can do in and around Mysore. Thank you for the reminder! (and for only doing promotional stuff when you actually care about it. I know so many travel bloggers do it and it must sometimes be hard not to, but as a big fan of your blog and someone who is trying to start blogging myself, it means a lot).
My username on Trover is Emma Kate Joyce 🙂
I’d never heard of Trover before. After poking around it for a bit i can’t believe I’ve never stumbled on it! I’ve posted a few photos under Zerosby but hope to post more when I have a bit more time later today. Thank you for introducing me.
Oh my god I’m hooked already! My username is Nina Simmons – if it’s a popular name, my profile picture is of me hugging a giant Pygmy Puff.
That sounds like a fantastic profile photo
I just signed up for Trover, and I already love it! As a traveler who is just now getting her feet wet, I do find this website to be a great way to connect with seasoned and beginner travelers alike!
Here is my username and profile: https://www.trover.com/u/aleksslijepcevic/photos
I posted some of my favorite photos from my favorite locations…thus far 🙂
I’d kind of given up on Trover but this inspired me to get back to it.
I’m at: https://www.trover.com/u/asuitcasefullofbooks.
Natasha Sinton https://www.trover.com/u/2897711162
(I hope that works?)
The Roman phallus was a bit of a wild card tbh
I always forget about this app, but every time I use it to plan a trip, I always find something that I absolutely love. Thanks for the reminder! I’ve added a few discoveries and even started using it to plan my trip to Puebla, Mexico this weekend! Here’s my profile: https://www.trover.com/u/eternalexpat
Wow this app is amazing!! Never heard of it till now but wow I can’t wait to get into using it!! My name on Trover is Kristina Fedorov:)
I’d heard of Trover but never tried it, looks like it’ll be useful!
My account is https://www.trover.com/u/2913279111
I’m going to breeze through your photos on Trover now I know you’re on there. I do love the website, it’s so suited to those with a taste of wanderlust and are looking for more detailed information regarding travel destinations.
I’m planning a big trip next year after winning the Trover Festival Photo competition recently – I’m still gobsmacked that I won (hardly win a bean) and am now busily researching places I can visit. Probably narrowed it down to 5 places but always keen to discover more!
Hope to see lots of you on there soon!
Like everyone else, I always forget about Trover, but it seems like such a fun way to plan trips, I might have to get back into it and upload more of my own pictures!
I love Trover! I use it pretty much everywhere I go. I road tripped to Raleigh, NC a few months ago with some friends and the Nearby option on Trover found us a bar where you can tap your own beer! I’m on Trover as Chelsea Jennings
Excited to discover this site/app! Just what I need, more travel ideas to dream about! ; )
Me!: https://www.trover.com/u/paigebelisle
Hi Brenna, here is my brand-new profile on Trover > https://www.trover.com/u/GiuliaBlocal
Trover is a great idea and I love your post about its usefulness. My profile name is Tara P. ☺
This is such a great idea and it looks like it would be genuinely useful as well! I wish I had more trips planned so that I could actually use it!
You can use it even if you’re not planning trips 😉
Just made a Trover account, love it!! It’s so nice seeing a kind of online scrapbook of where I’ve been and getting to nose at other people’s too. Here’s a link to mine: https://www.trover.com/u/eloise
Will definitely be using it to plan my future trips, starting with Edinburgh in December 🙂
I live in Edinburgh- give me a shout if you need any travel tips 🙂
Thanks for introducing me to Trover! I’m looking forward to finding and sharing discoveries there!
Hi Brenna! I started using Trover per your recommendation and I really enjoy using the app to fuel my travel daydreams. I’ve added a few “discoveries” of my own but probably my favorite thing about the app is using it to see what discoveries are nearby at my current location. I just moved to a new city and it’s so perfect – I’m literally discovering so new things to do! Thanks for the reco.
*so many. whoops!
Ah, loving Trover so far! Easy to use and post photos ?? Just posted my first three photos: http://www.trover.com/u/Ahleamichelle
Not sure why my user name link isn’t working 🙁 but username is Ahlea Michelle
Thanks for the blog post!
I had heard about Trover but didn’t realise how good it is for showing locations on a map! It’s too true about struggling to actually find the beautiful places you see online, so this is great and brilliant having personal recommendations as well.
My user link is: https://www.trover.com/u/BethCooke
Wow, I’ve never heard of Trover before but I love it! Thank you for sharing, I don’t know if I would have found it on my own 🙂
I used trover a few years ago but completely forgit about it. Thank you for reminding me and I love how much more content it has. I will definitly keep on adding places.
My user link is:
Trover is such a cool tool, way more on point and specific than pinterest! https://www.trover.com/u/tayloronatrip