My Heart’s Still In Mirissa
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Brenna Holeman has travelled to over 100 countries in the past 17 years, many of them on her own. She's now a solo mom living in Winnipeg, Canada. She's also a big fan of whisky and window seats.
Oh, man! I am absolutely in love with your blog. I am hoping to be accepted into a study abroad program in Edinburgh next semester and this post only made me a million times more excited!
Thank you so much for your nice words! And good luck with Edinburgh; it is a fantastic city. You’ll love it.
Something tells me you must have little pieces of your heart all over the world.
Whenever I go somewhere, I take a long, sad look before I leave because I’m pretty sure there’s a good chance I’ll never go back. I’d be lucky to travel the world once, let alone twice. 🙂
I do have pieces of my heart all over the world! I always take a long look before I leave, too (in fact, I specifically remember doing it on this exact beach), but I also always leave with the idea that I’ll be back.