Leon, Nicaragua I spent five days in Leon, a bit longer than I had originally thought I would. That’s what happens in cities like Leon –…
Las Peñitas, Nicaragua “You want one?” the young girl with perhaps a tad too much eyeliner asked me in halting English. I was sitting on the loud, crowded, sweaty, and yet somehow…
Utila, Honduas Yes, I am still in Utila. I have been here for two weeks now and I would gladly stay another week, but I am forcing myself to move on;…
Agra, India My ten-year high school reunion is taking place this weekend in Canada; I won’t be attending, as I am currently in Honduras. Tonight and tomorrow, dozens of my former classmates…
Gili Trawangan, Indonesia I am still in Utila, where the days are blending into one and I can’t really remember what I did yesterday afternoon or last Friday night – it’s all…
Utila, Honduras I have spent the last three days either in the sun or in the sea; there is little respite from the incessant heat and humidity here, even at night. The…