January: A month of leaving Malaysia, gold domes in Brunei, sumo in Tokyo, and saying hello. February: A month of good friends, and of sad goodbyes. March: A month of sumo in…
(the katakana reads, “Santa Depato” meaning Santa’s Department Store) Osaka, Japan Merry, merry Christmas to you and yours, wherever you may be and however you may be celebrating!
(photo taken by D.) Isle of Skye, Scotland I realized tonight that I am doing exactly what I want to be doing. I also realized just how goddamn happy I really am.
My Last Days In Japan Tokyo, Japan My last days in Japan were unusual in so many ways, mostly because I wasn’t totally sure if I was leaving indefinitely. It turns out…
Photos collected in Vilnius, Lithuania I’ve bought old photos in Lithuania, Iceland, Turkey, France, and Japan; they are some of my favourite souvenirs. They are like treasures to me, safe and loved…
On and Around Matinloc Island, The Philippines I was in the Philippines in August and I find myself talking about it a lot and thinking about it a lot. I think it’s…