Athens, Greece
Today there is a cold wind that feels like it should bring snow. It’s a day of German hot chocolate and getting ready for trick-or-treaters, for seeing old friends and watching movies you’ve already seen a million times, for naps on the couch and carving pumpkins.
My time in Canada so far has been lovely and relaxing. I’ve never had a problem with jet lag, culture shock, or reverse culture shock; I suppose that’s the way it goes for those who live transient lives. And as much as I love Canada, I know it is no longer my home.
Europe. I’m pretty sure my heart lies in Europe.
Where does your heart lie today ?
Today, in London…
That’s awesome then ! Your heart can be fulfilled with contentment, you’ve got your place.
That’s awesome then ! Your heart can be fulfilled with contentment, you’ve found your place.