Hi, my name is Brenna, and I’m an over-packer. I leave for Central and South America in 17 hours. Almost everything in my house is tucked away in boxes and stored in…
Winnipeg, Canada I’ve often wondered where I’ll “settle down”. I put that phrase in quotations because I’m not sure that I’ll ever really settle; my dream life is a slightly nomadic one,…
Jodhpur, India Udaipur, India Jaisalmer, India Varanasi, India Jodhpur, India Jaisalmer, India Pushkar, India The Thar Desert, India Jodhpur, India Jaisalmer, India Jaisalmer, India Amritsar, India The days are counting down toward…
Winnipeg, Manitoba The photos above were taken with Colleen’s lomo camera, which I believe she bought in Madrid. That’s the thing about photography and technology these days; we are no longer content…
The Flea Market from This Battered Suitcase on Vimeo. Winnipeg, Manitoba Now that my time in Winnipeg is coming to a close (I fly to Belize at the beginning of May), I’m…
Havana, Cuba I completely fell in love with all of the old cars in Havana, just as I knew I would. An archetypal image of Cuba, the cars were indeed everywhere; for…