I’ve written about how much I love Canada and about how much I miss Canada many times before – it’s my favourite country, and where I my mind wanders to whenever I think of the word “home”. Even though I’ve barely spent a collective year here in the past seven, I’m fiercely patriotic and proud to be from this beautiful and supportive nation. It’s no surprise, then, that occasionally I get homesick, either for Winnipeg or for Toronto. It’s usually on a bus, it’s usually raining, and I’m staring out the window, missing my family or reflecting on the past, present, and future. Oh, and I’m usually (more like always) listening to music.
Home Sweet Home
Cali, Colombia There are dozens of resources out there that can help you prepare for an impending holiday, whether a quick vacation or a much longer trip. If you are organized, the…
London, England I’ve only been in London for 36 hours and it has already been so fun – a smorgasbord of good food and…
 Liberia, Costa Rica  San Pedro de Atacama, Chile  Granada, Nicaragua  Popayan, Colombia  Antigua, Guatemala  While my greatest passion is travel, I also…
Toronto and Winnipeg, Canada Whenever I’m away from Canada for a long time, there are things that I inevitably miss. My family and friends, of course, and an…
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Happy New Year! Last year, for 2012, I made ten resolutions. They were: – finish my travel writing course – take Spanish lessons (to become fluent by September…