On April 12th, 2010, I sat on my bed in my sunny flat in downtown Osaka, Japan, and I wrote this post. It’s only a few lines long, the photos are edited with some sort of sepia filter, and it has never (and will never) rank on Google. I had no idea that that little blog post would change my entire life.
I had no idea that it would inspire me to travel the world, that it would lead to a career in travel writing and editing, that it would introduce me to lifelong friends, that it would make me gain enough confidence to move to London to pursue a master’s degree in non-fiction writing, that it would allow me to work with some of the most amazing destinations, that it would go on to earn enough money for me to live in my own house and create the life I’ve always dreamed of.
And I certainly had no idea that, ten years later, I’d be writing this post from my desk in my hometown of Winnipeg, self-isolating in the middle of a pandemic.
I’m not going to lie, I have no fucking idea what to write right now. If you’ve been reading this blog for a little while, you know that I spent last year focusing on my health, both mental and physical; part of strengthening my mental health was to essentially go offline unless absolutely necessary, and unfortunately that meant my blog went especially quiet. Part of strengthening my physical health was a combination of changing the way I felt about food and subsequently how I eat as well as becoming much more active in my day to day life.
And wouldn’t you know it… it worked. Over the course of a year, I became the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been. I made amazing friends. I fell in love with the gym. I developed a really strong travel writing and editing portfolio as a freelancer. I met a man I’m totally crazy about. I set up a really cool summer-long campaign in my home province of Manitoba. I started writing, and writing a lot, dozens of posts to be published on this blog.
And then… well, you know what happened.
I feel scared, and frustrated, and, on the worst days, I fluctuate wildly between anxious and apathetic. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I’m terrified about my financial future. My heart aches for the already tens of thousands of people lost to this virus and the millions of people who are working on the frontlines to save us all.
I’ve been self-isolating for exactly a month – the only person I’ve seen is my boyfriend, who also lives alone – and I try to be productive, I try to work out, I try to do… well, anything, but some days I can’t seem to do anything at all. Despite that, I know how privileged I am to still have at least a portion of my income, a roof over my head, and a support network that includes my family, friends, boyfriend, and dog, my beloved Dottie. It goes without saying that I am unbelievably privileged to still have my health, and that my loved ones are so far unaffected.
So today, on this ten year anniversary of This Battered Suitcase, I’m confused about how to feel. On the one hand, I feel insensitive and that it’s trite as hell writing on a blog when the world is in such despair. On the other, I don’t want to let what’s happening stop me from writing. There are times I find myself laughing, or feeling happy, and get hit with such pangs of guilt, but I know that’s not fair. We can’t punish ourselves for feeling joy right now, just as we can’t punish ourselves for feeling anger, or fear, or sadness.
What I do know is that I’ve decided to stop consuming as much media as I have been. I went from almost zero screen time at the beginning of the year to spending hours upon hours reading the news, and I realized all it really does is make me anxious. With that in mind, I’m trying to read anything else: books, of course, but blogs, too.
In case you’re feeling the same, I decided a nice way to celebrate ten years of This Battered Suitcase would be to share some of my very favourite articles from the past ten years. All of that “trying to rank on Google” mumbo jumbo never really was my jam; these long-form narratives and opinion pieces were always the heartbeat of this blog, and always will be.
Ten years ago, I started this blog while living in Japan. I spent October 2010 until January 2013 essentially on the road before moving to London. This Battered Suitcase has documented it all, including the over 100 countries I travelled to from 2006 until present day.
Through all of that, it has always felt like a personal diary more than a business, even though – up until six weeks ago – it was a main source of my income through ads, affiliates, and campaigns. I was never very comfortable with having ads or affiliates on this blog, but at the end of the day they helped me pay my bills and allowed me to have a house to myself. I have no idea what the future holds now that the travel industry and blogs like mine have tanked (I’m currently at a 90% income loss) but I do know that I’ll never stop blogging, even if I never make another cent from it.
Because despite taking long breaks, I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again: I’ll never stop writing, I’ll never stop blogging. It’s been my virtual home for ten years now, seventeen if you count my first blogs as well. It was never my intention to turn this into a business and never my intention to make money from this site; for me, it was always about the passion of writing, about having a place to share my opinions and travel stories and even to write a cathartic break up story (or twelve). If it’s all right with you I’d like to keep writing, even if it feels, as mentioned, sometimes silly to do so.
And as always, I thank you: I could have never predicted this blog would be read by millions of people in over 180 countries. I can’t thank longtime readers enough for their support and their comments, both here and on social media. I hope that, wherever you are, you’re well. It’s cheesy as fuck but every day I feel strength in how much we’re all supporting each other right now, and how I know we’ll eventually get through this.
But if you need a break from the news, here are a few articles you might want to check out, my favourites from the past decade of blogging on This Battered Suitcase. As I’ve always said, I hope you’ll continue to stick along for the ride, even if none of us know where we’ll eventually end up.
The Best of This Battered Suitcase
(Just a heads up, all links open in new windows, so feel free to open links that interest you to read later. Also make sure to check out the different sections on my blog for more of what you might enjoy, including dating and relationships, fashion, opinion pieces, and more. All can be found on the homepage or under the topics tab, or you can search for a subject/destination in the search bar.)
The Last Time I Saw You Series: This is by far my favourite series I’ve ever written on this blog. Starting in 2013, I have written second-person narratives, almost framed as letters, to past romances. Some have been to significant partners, others to ships passing in the night. My very favourites include The Last Time I Saw You (Part Five) and The Last Time I Saw You (Part Seven).
Vietnamese Baby: A story I wrote about an ex, one who I met in Vietnam and then lived with in Japan. I still get emails about this one from readers telling me it made them cry.
On Ghosting (and what to do if it happens to you): Who would have thought that the best-ranking post on a travel blog would be one about modern dating and the horrendous act of ghosting? All I can say is thank you to the men who ghosted me, because they helped me make a lot of ad revenue with this post, hah.
For All the Places I Once Lived: I’ve always really liked this post, love letters to the the places I’ve lived in my life… Winnipeg, Halifax, Edinburgh, Osaka, London.
An Open Letter to the Men Who Tell Me, “There’s a Reason You Travel Solo”: Of all the weird comments I’ve had from men over the years, it always makes me laugh when a man thinks he’s soooooo clever by saying this to me. By the way, the best (worst?) comment I’ve ever received said this: “Take the nose ring out and move to Idaho. I might be too old to stir the gumbo but I can still lick the ladle.” I could not make that up.
Trust Me, Your 30s Are So Much Better Than Your 20s: I’m just about to turn 36, and I stand by this wholeheartedly.
This is How Your Heart Breaks: Wow, I was sad when I wrote this post. It’s about… spoiler… heartbreak.
The 10 Unavoidable Truths of Travel: This was one of my first articles to go viral. It got me a ton of hate on Reddit… a true sign of making it, I suppose!
Finding Mount Everest: A Story of Travelling and Loss: This is a story that connects travelling with grief, and how we grieve when we’re thousands of miles from home.
When Did Travel Blogging Get So Boring?: I got a lot of hate for this one, too. But I stand by what I said… a lot of travel blogs are boring as fuck.
My Month Without Alcohol… and Men: I attempted this in 2017 and so I’ve linked the first article of four from that year. I had way too much fun writing these, and I still chuckle when I read them and remember documenting every day of this “experiment”. I tried doing it again in 2018 but it didn’t have the same magic. Funnily enough, I happily went without alcohol and men for many, many months in 2019, but booze and a certain man are sometimes all that’s keeping me sane in 2020.
I Watched All My Favourite Movies From When I Was 13 and Here’s What I Discovered: This is exactly the kind of post I wish I could write all the time. I’m also super freaked out by the last movie I included right now and what I said about it.
You Will Discover Wanderlust: A story about how I first knew I wanted to travel the world. C’mon, you didn’t think I’d forget a good naval-gazing post, did you?
15 Years of Travel Blogging: 10 Things I Did Wrong: I can’t be the only one… we all love to read about the ways people have screwed up (and OK, OK, how they’ve learned from those mistakes).
How Do You Choose? Relationships vs Travelling: I still get so many emails from people asking me to make their decision for them because of this post. Brian, I can’t tell you whether or not you should break up with your girlfriend to backpack in Australia, I’m sorry.
Going Back to Copenhagen: A look back at one of the cities I first fell in love with, remembering the romantic affair I had at 22.
Why You Should Buy Souvenirs (and why you aren’t less of a traveller if you do): I know, I know… experiences over material items, and all that jazz. But goddamn, do I love a good souvenir market when I travel. This goes hand in hand with the post Cheap and Easy Souvenirs to Collect. I still need to do a post about my home here in Winnipeg and how I’ve incorporated my souvenirs from the past 14 years of travelling.
How I Got Started: My Journey Through 11 Years of Travelling and Writing About It: I get asked about this all the time, so I thought I’d put it all together in one blog post.
My Most Hated Travel Quote: Not going to lie, I hate a lot of travel quotes. This one in particular really gets my goat.
On Hitting Publish: Everything That Goes Through My Brain Before Publishing a Blog Post: This was just super fun to write, and unfortunately very true.
There you have it, some of my favourite articles over the past ten years. As I said, I have no idea what the future holds for my career, but no matter what happens, I’ll always keep this little online space alive. Thank you again for your support over the past ten+ years of blogging. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it, especially in these difficult times.
p.s. Did I miss one of your favourite posts? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
WOW!!!! This is all so amazing, Brenna. I revisited so many of your former stories, and read and saw photos that brought both smiles and tears. I am so honoured to have been able to ride along on this ten-year journey (remembering even further back to your Live Journals) and see all that you have accomplished and all you have learned about the world – and about yourself. What a gift for your readers during this time of silence and isolation: a journey of memories with This Battered Suitcase.
You are the number one supporter, mama… always from the start! Can you believe it’s been 17 years since I first started that Livejournal… absolutely mad. I love you so much and I can’t thank you enough for all of your support and encouragement!
Congratulations! I’ve been reading for at least…four (?) of those years and I LOVE your blog!
Aw, thank you so much, Sarah! Your continued support really means so much to me 🙂
Congratulations on 10 years Brenna! I have lost count of how long I’ve been following you and your blog. I agree, most travel blogs are lame; yours is literally the only one I still read and actually enjoy. I love the way you write and your perspectives on things. It was nice to read through some of your old posts… makes me a little nostalgic for my nomadic years, but like you I am so happy to be back home in Canada. The changes you’ve made in your life seem to be working well (new relationship too – hope we hear more about this in the future!) and I am so happy for you. Thrilled to hear you will always have an online space – you’ll always have me as a reader! xx
Aw, thank you so much for your amazing comment, Alex! It really means so much to me to have your support even though I am definitely not very consistent with my posting. And yes, I am continuously nostalgic for my nomadic years but I’m also happier than ever in Canada, so I try to focus on that whenever the wanderlust creeps in. Thanks again x
Congratulations on 10 years Brenna! I’ve been reading your blog since 2014 and I can honestly say that yours is the best out there. Your posts are always so interesting and so different and I love your writing style so much – you could write about how to do taxes and I would STILL READ IT. Thank you for sharing such personal and honest posts over the years and of course for all your other writing as well which is always entertaining. It sounds cliched but you’re such an inspiration to me!
I know isolating is suuuuper shit. Hang in there xxxx
Ha ha I love this comment so much!! Thank you, Scarlett, for all of your support over the past six years. I can’t tell you how much to means to me especially in this utterly bizarre time. You know things are bad because I actually ENJOYED DOING MY TAXES this year just for something different to do ha ha ha 😉
Thanks again, you’re the best!
Hey Brenna!
Glad to hear you’re going to be posting more, I’ve been a silent follower for years and love your writing style. Yours was one of the first travel blogs I came across years ago, and one of the few that I still enjoy reading, probably because you always focused on the writing aspect more than the “blogging as a business/digital nomad hustle” that so many bloggers ended up following.
Please continue to share stories, your writing is a complete inspiration!
Aw, thank you so much, Sydney! That is so amazing to hear. I can’t thank you enough for your support 🙂
Still my fave blog! I’ll always be back!
Aw! Thank you so much, Lindsay!
I started reading your blog my sophomore year of college and you’re still my favorite blog to read! I’m glad to hear that you will never stop blogging. Hell, with quarantine happening now is the perfect time to post about all the movies you love! I look forward to reading whatever you decide to post. 🙂
Thank you so much, Victoria! It means so much to me that this is still your favourite… I definitely need to start posting more, and let me tell you… SO many movies, hah. Too many. Thanks again 🙂
Congrats on 10 years of This Battered Suitcase Brenna! Great to see an update from you and I’m looking forward to reading more of your stories in the future. You are my favorite Travel Blogging storyteller. You should start a Patreon – I’m sure a lot of your supporters would love to join, I know I would.
Aw, thank you so much, Katie. This comment means so much to me. I have indeed thought about a Patreon! xx
I’ve always loved your blog so much. I miss you when you don’t write as much, but I totally get needing to be offline! I hope you’re doing well in these times of uncertainty, and I look forward to reading whatever you feel like writing. x
Thank you so much, Laurel, I appreciate that so much x
Congrats on 10 years! I’m so happy I discovered your blog back in 2015. These crazy, stressful times have made me realize that I might finally be ready to make some kind of big leap in my travel plans/prioritizing a more creative life, and I think I just might spend the weekend re-reading your archives for inspiration. : )
Thank you so much, Paige! I always look forward to your comments. Thank you for all of your support over the years x
I’ve been following your blog for years now, not sure how I stumbled upon it or how long ago, but I know I look forward to reading every time you post – because it’s honest and real and vulnerable. And you have a very natural, fluid way of writing that just draws you in. Congratulations on 10 years!! Keep sharing and we’ll keep reading 🙂
Oh wow, thank you so much, Tova! This is such an amazing comment to receive, especially as I’ve been feeling pretty down about everything lately. x
You are by far my very favourite blogger. I used to read so many blogs but over the years I’ve stopped reading them all when it became clear they were only after money, clicks, and sponsors. I’m so tired of blogs that are clearly writing for google instead of their readers. I guess what I’m trying to say is… I love your writing! Never change! Also if you could write a book that would be great, ha ha ha
Ha ha, thank you, Kelly! I always try to post the kind of stuff I’d like to read… and I HATE reading sponsored stuff, ha. Thank you so much for your support, and I’ll get to that book soon enough 😉
Annnnd she’s back!
Brenna, you have been so missed for the past 6 months! Very happy to see a new post from you pop up. Here’s to many more years and adventures of This Battered Suitcase x cheers x
Aw, your comments always make me smile! Thank you so much for your support, it means the world to me 🙂
Hi Brenna!! I’ve been reading your blog for 5 years now and as others have said, yours is one of the very few I still read. You inspired me to travel solo and I ended up living abroad for over 3 years. Your posts comforted me when I was homesick and entertained me with your candid and unique style. As much as I love your posts, I completely understand needing to take a break from the internets – I took a break last week and it helped a lot – but I’m happy to see a new post from you and I’d love to keep reading whatever you decide to write about! In these crazy quarantine days I’ve already gone back a couple times and read old posts of yours just to take my mind off everything. I’ve been a silent follower for years but just wanted to chime in to say thank you, congrats on 10 years (!!), and hang in there! We’re all in this together.
Oh wow, thank you so much, Shannon! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your support over the past five years, silent or not. Reading comments like this really boosts my spirits and inspires me to write even more here, even when it feels tough. Thank you again, this means so much to me. x
Congratulations, Brenna! I’ve been reading your blog for the last 7 years, it’s been amazing to follow your journey (in more ways than one). I can truly say my life would be different if I hadn’t found your blog, thanks to your inspiration I’ve visited many of my favourite places. So happy to hear that you are still loving life at home in Canada, despite the bumps in the road. All the best! xx
Oh wow, I can’t tell you how much that comment means to me, Cait. When I read comments like this I think to myself, enough is enough, I have to kick it into high gear and start writing as much as possible again. So thank you for that boost today. x
Wow, happy 10 year anniversary! I’ve now got so many blog posts that I need to either go back and read for the first time or re-read. Congratulations on creating such a wonderful journey – and community. Stay safe and healthy during this crazy time x
Thank you so much, Rebecca! I appreciate all of your support so much, you really encourage me to keep writing. x
Big congrats on 10 years, Brenna! I’ve lost track of how many years I’ve following your blog, but I’m looking forward to reading whatever stories you’ll be sharing in the future 🙂 So many of my favourite posts of yours are listed here, but I also love On Belonging: A Story From Japan.
Thank you so much for remembering that story, Ashley! I can’t tell you how much your support means to me x
Congratulations on 10 years! I’m thinking of you and hope that you’re doing okay physically and mentally through all this craziness. I love the stories you tell on this blog and that will never change, pandemic or no pandemic.
Thank you so much, Elizabeth… your support over the years means so much to me x
So happy to see you back, you have been my favourite blogger for years! I’m leaving this page open so that I can go back and revisit all of these old posts tonight with a beer in hand 🙂 congrats on the 10 years! here’s to many many more!
Aw, that’s so amazing! Thank you so much, Dani, your support is so appreciated. And trust me… I’ll be right there with you with the beer, hah!
Coming back to this blog is my personal form of internet comfort food. Don’t feel guilty for affiliate links and advertising. You’re receiving compensation for the dozens of mornings I’ve spent with a mug of coffee in hand, poring over your stories, saying out loud to myself “yes! I feel that way exactly!”. I think I get a little dopamine hit whenever I see a new post up on here =]
This might be my favourite comment ever… I think I need to frame this and put it above my computer for inspiration! Thank you so much, Natalie… this means so much to me. You’re the best 🙂
Wow, one guy commented. Hello! Hi Brenna, the first time I heard of you and your Blog was yesterday on CBC Radio. I have to disclose I have always been a little anti travel, probably out of fear or jealousy if I’m to be honest but also the whole carbon footprint, exploited countries yada yada thing. I love people who only go to all-in resorts and call it traveling. How far do you have to go from your home to qualify as travelling? I travel/go extensively in southern Manitoba, my home since birth, 62 years. I think I invented Staycation? I loved you comment about how Winnipeg has become such a cool place. It always has been, you just had to know where to look. I could ramble on here for hours but that would be wasting content. Interesting your newly found interest in health and fitness as my wife is a clinical dietitian focusing on low carb for weight and disease management. I am also into the same diet except for liquid bread (beer) and a multi sport enthusiast. I have recently been involved with a local municipality to promote tourism and intend to pursue the same in the future. I would be honored if you would like to tap into my experience all things local. My main focus has been cycling, windsurfing, kiteboarding and paddleboarding. I have a dormant domain name that I would like to bring to life as well. Good luck on your future endeavors and I hope our paths will cross one day in our travels!
Happy anniversary! I love reading your posts about blogging because they’re so un-sugarcoated. And I always come to your blog when I need a reminder to write WHATEVER I WANT, not just the google-able or “helpful” stuff.
Thanks for keeping it up!
That’s amazing, thank you so much for letting me know, Ketti! I agree… write whatever the hell you want, that’s how you get a true audience and people who actually care about you. 😀
Very nice. Just taking inspiration from your blogs. You have a very unique style of writing.
Thank you! 🙂
Congrats on your 10 year anniversary!
Hi Brenna.
I am Favour and I work for Melanin Tourist as the social media manager/ virtual assistant. A platform that inspires and encourages travelers across the globe. We have gone through your blog and it appears we share the same purpose, so we hope to collaborate with you in regards to travelling and touring.
Would you be willing to share about your experience as a blogger?
If yes, we would schedule a quick interview with you, summarize the interview into a blogpost/infograph then share the results with our readers and your readers.
Would you be available for such?
Best regards,
Hi Favour, thank you for your comment! I am always available for interviews… please email me (my email address is found on my contact page) with questions! Right now written interviews are much better for me than phone interviews 🙂
Congratulations! I’m glad, despite all the craziness that Canadians and those around the world have been going through, that you have been able to take a look back at some of the highlights from your blog. We’re all mourning booked trips, missed celebrations, and certainly lost income. Despite it all, don’t forget to celebrate this big event. You deserve it. Just because it happened during a pandemic, doesn’t mean that it has been forgotten or is any less exciting. I’m sure it will be toasted to over drinks in the future. I know a lot has changed from April to June, but hope all is well in Manitoba. Best of wishes, Kirby.
Thank you so much for your comment, Kirby! I really appreciate it. You’re right, I should still feel pretty good about the ten years. Sending you lots of good energy from Manitoba 🙂
[…] I always thought that, one day, I’d feel confident and competent enough to take on zero freelancing; that one day, This Battered Suitcase would be everything. I liked freelancing, though, and I was waiting to hit a certain financial benchmark with the blog before calling the freelancing quits. I was almost there when the pandemic hit, right as I was about to celebrate ten years of This Battered Suitcase. […]
Hi, Brenna!
I’ve been reading your blog for over four years now, well actually since I found your “Cinque Terre on a Budget” post! I remember back then, I was planning my summer InterRail in Europe (Greece-Italy-France-Spain-Portugal) and needed ideas for day trips, city guides and other itineraries. I loved that post so much that not only didn’t I manage to go to Cinque Terre, but also started following your blog. 🙂 More than that, I’m so happy to tell you that BECAUSE OF YOU I started my own travel blog, which is now nine months old! I’ve always wanted to write about the places I visit, but at the same time to stand out from the other bloggers: no one needs another “boring travel blogger” with the same old information, I really wanted to entertain and inspire people, while making sure they’ll always learn something new from reading my posts during those 10-15 minutes at breakfast.
With that being said, I hope this chaotic year of 2020 turns out to be a blessing to you, since it will give you the chance to appreciate your beautiful city, home, family and friends! I’ll make sure I do the same 🙂
p.s.: Bring it on those posts about your home decoration with travel souvenirs, I need inspo for my own home ASAP!