The Pigeons In Brasov

by Brenna Holeman

Brasov, Romania

After seeing Black Swan and a friend’s band play on College St., I met a young man at the streetcar stop tonight. We had eerily similar lives, from the university we both graduated from to the summer days we spent under orange trees by the Mediterranean to the square with the great beer stands in Brasov.

My best friend and I arrived in Brasov weary and nervous; we were supposed to go to Sibiu but a last minute change left us in the little Transylvanian town. I can so clearly remember the view from the hostel window, the window that overlooked the buildings’ orange roof tiles, the white Brasov sign, and the green hills of Romania. Our days were spent doing little more than walking around town, eating pizza, ice cream, and corn-on-the-cob, and running through pigeons. If you ask me, they were perfect days, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

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kay*(from india.with love) December 12, 2010 - 6:56 pm

i absolutely hate pigeons—-but something about pics like yours that includes dozens of pigeons in town squares like this makes them so much more…..interesting & bearable 🙂

This Battered Suitcase December 13, 2010 - 7:24 am

They’re not nice birds, that’s for sure! I loved the way they looked flying in Brasov, though…


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