What to Wear in Nepal

by Brenna Holeman

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I swear these people liked me

I will be back in Nepal in less than a month. I’m actually in Thailand for about two weeks beforehand, and then in Bhutan for a week after, so I will have to pack accordingly. While I’m usually quite confident with what to pack, for some reason I keep humming and hawing about what to bring on this particular trip, perhaps because I’ll be in various climates (from the sunny beaches of Thailand to the chilly temperatures of the Himalayas) and because, well, I’m not backpacking. That’s right, I’m bringing a – wait for it – suitcase. This means don’t have to worry as much about trying to fit everything into a smaller space or wrinkled clothing.

That being said, when I started to think about what to wear in Nepal, and what to bring on this trip, I still thought back to the backpacking trip I took around Southeast Asia and the Subcontinent in 2011. I can’t help it – the clothes I wore then and the outfits I put together were some of my favourites ever. I favoured loose, comfortable clothing in bright colours, with lots and lots of local jewellery. In fact, I ditched almost all of the clothes I had initially brought with me from Canada and replaced my wardrobe with local purchases. The problem is, a lot of that clothing is now in storage in Canada. As I moved to London with only two suitcases, I couldn’t bring that much of it with me.

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Lots of layers in April in Nepal

For this trip, then, I finally stopped worrying about what to pack and instead started to get excited about what I could potentially buy. Instead of shelling out a lot of money for clothing here in London – trousers for trekking, for example, or a beach cover-up… all that stuff I left behind in Canada – I decided to bring a few clothes I already own and then buy the rest of it while I’m there. I always budget for shopping while I travel, and I prefer to support the local communities of the places I visit anyway, so this seems like a win-win situation: my travel wardrobe will be cheap, local, and stylish.

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Because yes: I believe that buying locally and taking your cues from the local customs can make for the greatest possible travel wardrobe, especially if, like me, you care about and enjoy fashion. I also believe that you don’t have to purchase clothes specifically for travelling; I think that what you wear at home can almost always be worn abroad, too, and that you’ll be most comfortable in your favourite clothes/style. I already posted about what to wear in India, and in that post I wrote:

“At the end of the day, only you will know what you feel most comfortable in. What I found was, by dressing in the local clothing and jewellery, I felt both physically and mentally comfortable. I did draw attention to myself… but so did the other people I was travelling with, and they were wearing jeans and t-shirts. In my month in India I only received positive responses from Indian people regarding the way I was dressed. Many women came up to talk to me, or vendors in the market would compliment my style. I believe that dressing in the local fashion shows appreciation and respect for the culture and its people.”

I felt the same way in Nepal. Keep in mind I was completely on my own in Nepal, and so I didn’t get very many photos of myself; I also didn’t do any serious trekking or hiking, but I will cover a few points on that anyway. What I love most about my wardrobe for those weeks was that almost all of it was bought from markets in Thailand, India, or Nepal… and I never spent more than approximately $10 CAD on anything, including the jewellery.

What to wear in Nepal:

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1. Scarves

Yep – I’m pretty sure I list this on every single “what to wear” or “what to pack” list I’ve ever written. The reason I do so is simple: a scarf is the most versatile and useful item in your travel wardrobe. I have converted scarves and sarongs into shirts, dresses, wraps, skirts, and head coverings. For Nepal, especially in the colder months, it’s essential to have warmer clothing that you can layer. As soon as I arrived in Kathmandu I bought a few yak wool scarves; they were very cheap, and very warm. One actually was warm enough to use as a wrap when I went hiking through the foothills of the Himalaya (in spring, mind you).

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2. Trousers/Long Skirts

I saw a mix of attire on women in Nepal; some wore more traditional clothing, while others wore t-shirts and jeans. In both cases, women tend to dress quite conservatively, and I personally prefer to abide by cultural norms when I travel. As mentioned a lot on this blog, I hate trousers (I can just never find ones that fit me correctly, and I’m too cheap to get some tailored when I love skirts so much), but I was able to purchase some really comfortable and practical genie/harem pants around Asia. While they may not be the most flattering trousers, I love them, especially the more colourful ones.

Long skirts are also very useful in Nepal, and I would sometimes layer leggings under them for extra coverage and/or warmth (I did that with a pair of loose trousers when paragliding).

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If you are planning on doing some serious trekking, I would definitely recommend buying trousers that are made specifically for the activity.

3. Jumpers

A warm jumper or sweater is essential if you’ll be in Nepal, especially in the colder months (click here to see the average temperatures for Kathmandu). Again, what I recommend doing is going shopping as soon as you arrive; trust me, the wool sweaters you’ll find in the markets of Nepal are much cooler (and will mean so much more to you) than one you buy from a department store back home. As most tourists will arrive to Nepal by way of Kathmandu, I’d spend at least a day in the city to do some shopping before moving on anywhere else.

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I combined a long warm cardigan with a local scarf for maximum warmth in the cold mornings. That purse was from a local market in Kathmandu. 

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Long-sleeved tee and awkward early morning selfie with my guide in Chitwan National Park

4. T-shirts

Yeah, I know… duh. But once again, it’s great to have an assortment of cotton t-shirts (both short and long-sleeved) to layer. This is one item I usually bring from home, but you can easily purchase t-shirts and cotton blouses in markets in Nepal.

5. A Jacket

Depending on what time of year you’ll visit Nepal, I’d definitely recommend bringing a warm jacket, whether or not you’ll be hiking. If you’re not hiking, a regular winter coat that you might wear in the UK or Canada will do; if you are planning on spending some time in the mountains, or doing some hiking, I’d recommend something catered more for that activity. I’m actually taking a jacket like this on my trip, as I’ll be spending some time in the Himalayas of Bhutan (but more on that in another post).

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With my homestay family in the foothills of the Himalayas

6. Hats/Mittens/Warm socks

Aside from your trusty scarf, if you go during the colder months it is essential to have other warm accessories. Again, I’d recommend trying to buy these locally; many markets sell hand-knitted accessories that are very warm.

7. Shoes

Shoes are the bane of my existence, I swear (OK, my travel packing existence). I feel like I am always searching for the perfect shoe – one that looks stylish and is super comfortable to walk in for a whole day. In the past, I’ve sworn by Keds, and I do still stand by them wholeheartedly. I even trekked in the foothills of the Himalayas wearing them!

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If you’re not trekking when visiting Nepal, I’d recommend taking a least one pair of very comfortable, flat walking shoes. I have not been to Nepal since the earthquake but when I visited in 2011, the sidewalks and roads were often uneven. You can definitely get away with sandals in the warmer months.

If you are indeed hiking… well yeah, buy hiking boots. I am not even going to pretend to be an authority on this but after reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed, I’d say make sure you buy ones that fit you properly and ones that you know you can walk in for days and days. I found this article on the best new hiking boots around, so check it out if you want to read reviews and tips for purchasing your perfect pair. You probably shouldn’t listen to the girl who wore Keds in the Himalayas, after all.

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Check out those bracelets… airport security hates me

8. Jewellery

This post was not going to end without me mentioning jewellery. If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know Mr. T is pretty much my style icon, so I was like a kid in the candy store at Nepali markets in 2011. There is TONS of amazing, well-crafted jewellery for sale in Nepal, and, unless you’re purchasing real silver, you can find a lot of it for quite cheap. I loaded up on beaded necklaces – I even found women making them in the street while you waited, so you can choose all the colours you’d like – and tons of pewter rings and bracelets.

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Henna from India

As mentioned in other posts, I know that a lot of websites and blogs advise you not to wear jewellery when you travel in developing nations, as you’ll draw attention to yourself. For the record, I felt completely safe for my entire trip in Nepal as a solo female traveller, even when travelling by back roads on buses and cycling around the outskirts of Pokhara. I would indeed avoid wearing expensive jewellery, moreso because I’d hate to lose it than any other reason. Wearing local jewellery, however, should not be an issue at all. In fact, I would argue that it opens up the chance for communication with others; this has happened to me countless times, as someone will chat to me about where I bought a specific piece or that she has a similar bracelet, for example.

If you’re worried that wearing jewellery will make you look like you have money… you’re a tourist. Even if you’re a broke-ass backpacker, you still had the money to get to Nepal in the first place, automatically making you one of the richest people in the world. If you can travel for leisure and you have a camera in your hand, yeah, people are going to think you have money regardless of whether or not you wear a couple of rings.

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Pretty much wearing all of the above in this one outfit

What I didn’t address in the opening of this post was why I’m really going back to Nepal. Yes – the fashion is fun and the shopping is terrific. The main reason I’m going back to Kathmandu, however, is that I met some of the kindest, most helpful people in all of my travels when I was in Nepal. Since the tragedy of the recent earthquake, I want to return in order to support their tourism industry and, in some teeny tiny way, to give back to those who gave so wholeheartedly to me. In my few weeks of solo travel through the country in 2011, I fell in love with Nepal despite the personal tragedy that was going on in my own life. The country helped me with the grief of losing my grandmother; now this entire country is grieving the horrific loss of life only a few months ago. While I know that I’m not going to change that by spending a few days in Kathmandu, I do think it’s important to visit and to spread the word that Nepal is still an amazing place to travel to, and a perfectly safe one at that. Nepal relies heavily on tourism, and I for one want to prove that I am very much happy to support that industry.

Part of what I’ll be doing in Kathmandu, then, is speaking to local businesses and families and seeing how they are dealing in the aftermath of the earthquake. I’ll also be posting more on how you can help beyond being a tourist, including charities and local businesses that sell their products online.

To read about my time hiking in the foothills, and how that trip helped me with the loss of my grandmother, click here

To read about dealing with grief while I flew over Mount Everest, click here for a longer story and click here for some photos (and words on how grateful I felt while in Nepal). 

Regarding other travel fashion posts, I have also written What to Wear in India, What to Wear in Thailand, What to Wear in Bhutan, What to Wear in Cuba, What to Wear in Colombia, and What to Wear in Russia. Here are some tips for feeling fashionable while you travel and also a post on my ever-changing travel fashion.

What to Wear in Nepal

Have you ever been to Nepal, or are you planning to go? What would you add to this list?

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Anca | Globaloud November 4, 2015 - 1:48 pm

You look so adorable in those photos. I really like the idea of combining your own style with some traditional or local fashion elements from the country you’re visiting.
I have the same packing style as you – I bring my own clothes, mostly worn out casual stuff that I wouldn’t mind throwing away, but I always leave a space for a clothing I’ll buy while traveling. Some of those are my favorite souvenirs, since I don’t like buying not useful stuff on my travels.
And yes, the scarf is the number one travel essential. Talking about sneakers – I still didn’t find my best travel pair – either they look too sporty, or they’re just not that super comfortable. I need to keep searching for my perfect pair.

Brenna Holeman November 6, 2015 - 3:36 am

Aw, thank you very much! It’s good to hear that you also follow that packing style, as it helps me to think I’m doing something right. Hopefully we both find our perfect pairs of shoes soon!

Jacquie November 5, 2015 - 12:46 am

I admire your style so much!! You always look so awesome and are so good at tailoring your outfits to the country that you’re in!

Since I live in Vancouver my at home style is very casual and sporty, so I find I don’t have to buy separate traveling clothes. I feel like active wear is so good for travel since it’s comfortable and dries fast after washing!

I have to admit though that I felt prrrreetttyyy out of place in Tokyo in my head to toe Lululemon with my Osprey backpack. The girls there (as I’m sure you know) dress so cute and girly and it’s clear that no one in that city wears active wear for ANYTHING! But since I only had three days there, I just wore my Vancity clothes and didn’t worry about it too much.

And Brenna! Hiking in Keds!? Be careful, girl! Maybe Campers would be a good brand to check out?

Brenna Holeman November 6, 2015 - 3:39 am

Aw, thanks a lot Jacquie! That’s really kind of you. I agree with you that active wear is great for travel… but I own so little of it in London that it doesn’t quite suit what I have to pack. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with NOT incorporating the local style into your wardrobe… sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!

And I know, I know… I definitely need to be more careful. Might upgrade to actual trainers for this next trip, hah.

Thanks again for your awesome comment!

Linda November 5, 2015 - 5:00 pm

Great post – and helps me decide “what not to wear” on a journey through diverse climates. Although very few people can pull off your look, Brenna – you make it seem effortless to look local, stylish, funky, beautiful…I could keep going with adjectives! Great post!

Brenna Holeman November 6, 2015 - 3:40 am

You are too kind! Thank you so much for your comment, it definitely brightened up this rainy day in London. I can’t wait to see what I find in Nepal this time around…

chika gujarathi November 6, 2015 - 4:52 am

awesome list of comfortable clothes! I could have used those pants when I was pregnant too. I love the colors and the festiveness. You look so cheery! And from the sounds of it, you seem to have an awesome trip ahead of you. I just stumbled onto your blog and can’t wait to read on.

Brenna Holeman November 6, 2015 - 1:22 pm

Aw, thank you so much Chika! I’m really glad you liked the post and I hope you’ll keep reading the rest of the blog. 🙂 I imagine those pants would indeed be great for pregnant women, they’re so roomy and comfortable!

Zalie November 10, 2015 - 7:28 am

Ok seriously, you always look so amazing when you are travelling! I definitely am with you on the quest of finding the perfect shoe! I hope that this post helps promote shopping locally while travelling 🙂

Brenna Holeman November 10, 2015 - 11:29 am

Thank you, Zalie! We’ll find our perfect shoes one day. 😉

Alexandra November 22, 2015 - 3:01 pm

Wow Nepal in December, that seems cold? What is the weather going to be like then?

Brenna Holeman November 22, 2015 - 3:06 pm

It’s not too bad in Kathmandu… it goes up to 20 in the day, and down to about 10 at night (I’m talking Celsius)! Warmer than London, anyway…

Sarah December 9, 2015 - 6:57 pm

My perfect travel shoes are Toms – they are comfortable, light and squash down to nothing in a pack! Can admit they are not the best in rain though… had a treacherous day on the wet stone streets in Split Croatia this year :S

Brenna Holeman December 9, 2015 - 11:07 pm

Yeah, I’m a fan of Toms, too! Comfortable shoes and a great story behind them, too.

Rebecca November 10, 2016 - 9:47 am

Hi, I´m volunteering in Nepal (Kathmandu and Pokhara) this december and I have no idea what shoes to bring. I have read about the Toms and they look lovely! Are you able to buy those or that kind of shoe in Nepal? And what do they cost? – I´m only 18 so I do not have a large amount of money. Cuz unfortunately they do not ship them to where I live… Or would you prefer boots such as Timberland?

Brenna Holeman November 10, 2016 - 8:05 pm

I don’t know exactly what kind of shoe you can buy in Nepal, but there are lots of imitation shops around, especially in Kathmandu. Toms are definitely worth it (and contribute toward a good cause) so I do recommend them. Whatever the case, I’d say definitely bring at least one pair of really comfortable, functional shoes with you just in case you can’t find something upon arrival! Have fun!

Bikash thapa January 15, 2016 - 7:57 am

Thanks for Visiting Our Country 🙂

Brenna Holeman January 15, 2016 - 11:15 am

It’s a great country!

What to Wear in Bhutan - This Battered Suitcase January 22, 2016 - 2:29 am

[…] For what to wear in Nepal, click here. […]

Best Hiking Boots March 3, 2016 - 1:00 pm

Thanks! Great information.

Louise Terranova March 14, 2016 - 12:32 am

Just love your style full stop. The whole package. Sadly I believe Bhaktpur had lots of earthquake damage. Love your little video. The bottomless cup has ended and I will have to leave the other Nepalese posts to later.

Brenna Holeman March 15, 2016 - 11:24 am

Thank you so much, Louise! Yes, Bhaktapur does have a lot of damage, but it’s still a lovely city to spend time in and I hope that the damage doesn’t discourage people from visiting.

Zoë May 17, 2016 - 10:25 pm

Such a lovely post, thanks for sharing your tips and tricks. I’ll be going to Nepal in a couple of days and I was just wondering whether yoy have any specific recommendations when it comes to buying clothes in Kathmandu. In desperate need for some appropriate harem pants etc because my European summer wardrobe consists of short shorts and tank tops!!

Brenna Holeman May 18, 2016 - 11:33 am

There are TONS of tourist shops in Kathmandu (in the Thamel district in particular) with lots and lots of clothing options. Although there are the official branded shops, you can get pretty much anything from knockoff shops, or, much better, the local shops that sell handicraft clothing made in Nepal. Honestly, you won’t need to go far to find tons of cool and affordable stuff in that area!

Ashish June 20, 2016 - 8:51 am

Hi Brenna,

I was searching for female blogger and I found your site. I’m from Nepal, saw your post about Nepal and went through your facebook page. The cover photo is nice. And glad to hear that you are here twice. I couldn’t leave without saying anyting 🙂 Visit Again and if I saw you in street I will definitely recognize you.

Stephanie August 12, 2016 - 3:07 am

Thank you so much for your insight! I am heading to Nepal in a few days and wanted to make sure I have all that I might need or want. I also am excited to buy locally. I will be staying in Kathmandu for several months. Do you have any advice for what not to miss while I am in the city? Also, do you have advice for how to safely get around as a woman on my own? Thanks!

Katie August 20, 2016 - 11:58 pm

Thanks for the information! I’m going to Nepal for the first time at the end of September. I’ll be doing some trekking in the foothills but want to have some local clothing to wear as well. I won’t have time to shop in Kathmandu/Thamel before heading from the airport to Pokhara…so I’m wondering if it’s possible to find non-trekking clothes items in that area as well? And if so, do you have a general idea of where those shops/markets would be in Pokhara…? It’s hard to find info online.

Brenna Holeman August 21, 2016 - 4:17 pm

Yes, I bought lots of scarves, jewellery, and other clothing in Pokhara – there are many shops along the main strip in town (next to the lake). Have fun!

Mina August 23, 2016 - 5:09 pm

Oh my I am so thankful I am going to Nepal for work and i am so worried about clothing. Honestly all I kept telling my friend is that I want to take 1 small carry-on with me and buy the rest from there. So do you recommend I buy a jacket there as well ?

Brenna Holeman August 23, 2016 - 11:14 pm

You definitely can – there are lots of stores selling both real and knock-off brand jackets, or local options as well. Just make sure you have some solid shopping time in a city like Kathmandu or Pokhara… it might take time to find one you like or that’s suitable for what you’re doing!

southcast September 1, 2016 - 11:21 am

At Nepal, you can wear whatever you want 🙂

Rachel October 13, 2016 - 9:57 pm

This is great! I’m heading to Nepal and India and buying clothes there is exactly what I was thinking of doing. I hate when my backpack is so stuffed that I can barely zip it, and knowing that I don’t have room to buy anything else. Sooo I’m about to half everything I laid out…

Brenna Holeman October 13, 2016 - 11:04 pm

That sounds like a very good plan! Have an amazing time 😀

Sharee November 11, 2016 - 3:20 am

Hi there,

I am headed out to Nepal tomorrow to trek to Annapurna base camp and spend some time in the villages. I was just looking for a post about what kind of casual clothes to bring in Pokhara and Kathmandu, and I am so glad I found your post! I had a similar experience as you described preferring to shop there and fill out your wardrobe with local items. I am looking forward to doing the same in Nepal now.

Thanks for sharing!

Laura Morgan November 15, 2016 - 4:45 am

I’m about to go to India and Nepal in Jan/Feb 2017 and I have the same problem you had.
I always try to shop local as well and totally agree that it means much more than a department store buy!
Because i’m hiking in Feb I’ve bought a down-jacket and some sports leggings, which are great and versatile items. I ALWAYS wear a scarf and love your style incorporation. I’ll have to try and look half as stylish as you on my trip. I’m excited to shop in India and Kathmundu and despite living in China, clothes are not cheap, so it makes sense to wait for me now.

Looking forward to your future advice,


Brenna Holeman November 18, 2016 - 12:52 am

Thanks, Laura! Sounds like you’re really prepared. 🙂 I hope you have an amazing time!

Andrea Downes November 26, 2016 - 3:16 pm

Thank you so much for a beautiful and inspiring blog.
I am visiting Kathmandu for Christmas this year and so very grateful for your advice on what to wear and of course supporting the locals. Looking forward to buying locally and lots of bright colours!
Looking forward to reading lots more. 🙂

Brenna Holeman November 27, 2016 - 3:15 pm

That’s amazing, have a great time, Andrea! I’m sure you’ll love it. 😀

Stacey March 15, 2017 - 5:30 am

Does that red shawl you are wearing in a few pictures have sleeves?!!!! I want one!!!!!! Going to nepal in 4 weeks! Any recommendations on where to find one? And i love the vibrant pink scarf too! I’m definitely only taking a half full suitcase.

Thanks for the tips!

Cate March 22, 2017 - 1:08 am

Hello, would like to ask you a question..How do you consider Nepal as a journey for a lonely woman that want to go alone for the first time?

Thank you 🙂

What to Wear in India - This Battered Suitcase April 10, 2017 - 10:29 am

[…] feeling fashionable while travelling. Additionally, you can check out what to wear in Thailand, what to wear in Nepal, what to wear in Bhutan, what to wear in Russia, and what to wear in […]

Helena April 18, 2017 - 7:25 am

Brenna, thanks for your blog. I’m traveling to Kathmandu to train in local medicine and as well as receive treatments, I’m coming in midmay-late july 2017 What should I bring clothingwise during monsoon season? I’m 53. Safe Travels!

Greta May 1, 2017 - 10:10 pm

Great blog site- love your style – was getting very stressed out about what to pack for May in Nepal – you’ve eased my mind – still wondering about the footwear – we’re not climbing the north face but still want advice for lowland walking – not trekking !!! Love to you all xx Greta

Maria May 18, 2017 - 10:14 am

Love your photos, thank you for posting this! i’m heading there next week and felt absolutely clueless regarding what to pack! I’m so excited!

Brenna Holeman May 18, 2017 - 2:46 pm

Aw, that’s great Maria! Thank you for letting me know. Have fun!!

Deanna Bleidistel May 31, 2017 - 5:31 am

My name is Deanna and I was wondering if there is a website I can order the pants/skirt you have on in the pics before I leave for Nepal. I am leaving on a Trip the end of July.

Thanks so much,

Eva L. June 18, 2017 - 4:51 pm

Hello! I’m traveling to the India Himalaya this August and yours is one of the most helpful posts I’ve read thus far about how to dress and stay safe when traveling (I am not a seasoned traveler). I am realizing I had many utterly wrong ideas about what to wear, coming as I am from NYC where Stella loafers are basically the everyday norm. I will now plan to pack light, buy hiking boots, leave the fancy stuff at home, and do some of my shopping in Leh/Ladakh when I arrive. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences!

Kelly Boyko June 24, 2017 - 8:02 pm

Hi Brenna – I see you flew Buddha air. Something I just can’t quite figure out – how strict are they with carry on luggage weight/size limits? I see I can have a 7kg (from Delhi) carry on and a purse. But…how big of a purse is allowed? And a computer doesn’t count, but a backpack to carry it in count? In the USA we’re allowed a carry on and a “personal item” – often times people over stuff their personal item, so I get that should happen, but I can’t even figure out what might be allowed (we were looking at Jet Airways as well). Thanks! (we’re travelling to Delhi, Kathmandu and Pokhara in Dec/Jan.

Brenna Holeman June 26, 2017 - 2:21 pm

Unfortunately I can’t be of much help – I only flew Buddha Air to do an Everest viewing flight, so just had my purse with me. My apologies!

Kelly January 31, 2018 - 5:43 pm

As a follow up, after my trip – Our carry ons were never weighed by Buddha Air or Jet Airways, but our checked were. On Jet Airways (DEL/KTM route) I carried a large “purse” (large tote bag) and a small rolling duffel and my husband had his backpack and small duffel, but on the way back, when we had more stuff I actually had my actual purse in addition and it was fine (but we were flying Premiere so maybe that made a difference?). And on Buddha we left most of our luggage with friends when we did the side trips so we medium sized duffels and each had one carry one (backpack for him and tote bag for me). FYI – when flying domestically be sure to keep a hold of your bag tags because you have to have them when you get your bag at your destination.

KAM September 19, 2017 - 5:01 am

I recommend NIKE ROSHE ONE as a travel shoe! Thanks for your tips!

Av October 8, 2017 - 4:36 pm

Hi! I did a solo trip to Nepal in 2011 too and am planning to bring my husband and kids there this December. How bad is the damage to the various Durbar squares?

We are planning a photoshoot there too so I’m looking forward to being a bit more fashionable this trip! 🙂

Sarah Ann Woodbury January 31, 2018 - 8:00 am

Thank you so much for this post- it’s been so helpful! I am just curious, can you buy harem pants in Nepal? I really love yours and want to buy the clothes I wear when I visit Nepal while I’m there. I love harem pants and am just hoping they sell them there!

Kelly January 31, 2018 - 5:38 pm

I was in Nepal at the beginning of the year and, yes, you can buy harem pants. I saw them in both Kathmandu and Pokhara. Less than $10, but the ones I bought (I think they were $6 or $7 equivalent US) didn’t fit well and I gave them to my daughter. I’m thin and the waist was too tight. The prices of scarves really varied too – I got better prices when my Nepalese SIL haggeled than when I tried. Have a great trip.

Melanie March 26, 2018 - 4:16 pm

I just found this post while trying to figure out what to pack for Nepal (leaving in two days!), and I’m completely inspired by your style and advice! I’m bringing fewer clothes on this trip than I’ve ever packed and can’t wait to shop in Kathmandu (and to wear my kurti top from India again). Thank you!

Alice April 16, 2018 - 11:26 pm

I’m in love with that gorgeous patterned jacket/cardigan you’re wearing! Did you pick that up in Nepal? It beautiful

Brenna Holeman April 17, 2018 - 4:43 pm

Almost everything I’m wearing in this post is indeed from Nepal! I think you’re referring to shawls/scarves I’ve wrapped around me 🙂

Sarah Allen September 12, 2018 - 1:03 am

I am about to go to Nepal tomorrow and this helped me with packing so much! Thank you and love your courage with style xxx

Brenna Holeman September 12, 2018 - 8:59 am

That’s awesome… thank you so much for letting me know! Have an amazing time in Nepal 🙂

Tanesha February 4, 2019 - 3:05 pm

Ok, something stressing me out- what about the bathrooms there Brenna? We’ll be doing some trekking along with general meandering for three weeks (Nepal & Bhutan), and knowing the numbers game… I’m 100% I’ll end up with my period while there. Is it all squatty potties?! Do I need to pack my own products or do you think they will be easy enough to find while there?

Amy Gross February 28, 2019 - 8:52 am

This is FANTASTIC! Thanks for sharing your style and insight. I’m heading to Nepal next week with Love Does, along with my 13 yo daughter 15 yo son a dear friend and her two girls. We CANNOT wait to jump in, explore and meet some amazing people.. and shop, too, evidently 🙂

Susan October 10, 2020 - 3:33 pm

Since being stuck with few travel options due to Covid, I am filling time planning a trip I have wanted to take to Nepal and Bhutan. I too wish to visit 100 countries and have a lot of catching up to do! I find that my travel clothes are so boring so I loved seeing how colourful you look. Like you, I moved from North America to the UK with only a couple of suitcases. I have already bought a couple of tee-shirts to wear under sweaters or alone, in high tech stay dry fabric, which I have never tried before. My goal is to be ready for changes in altitude and climate while travelling but not planning to trek much.

Brenna Holeman October 15, 2020 - 6:14 pm

It sounds like you have some amazing adventures ahead, Susan! I find that even buying a few local accessories is a great way to brighten up a travel wardrobe while still travelling light. I hope you get to Nepal and Bhutan soon! 🙂


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