Yellow Fever

by Brenna Holeman

Yellow 1

Havana, Cuba

Yellow 2

Osaka, Japan

Yellow 3

Bucharest, Romania

Yellow 4

Lovina, Indonesia

Yellow 5

The DMZ, Korea

Yellow 6

The Countryside, Bulgaria

Yellow 7

Yangon, Myanmar

Yellow 8

Havana, Cuba

On this dreary, cloudy day, I just felt like my life needed a splash of sunshine. See more yellow here.

*The title of my post is dedicated to the fact that I actually did something in preparation for my upcoming 8-month trip to South America: I booked an appointment to get my yellow fever shot.

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intowestafrica April 11, 2012 - 5:44 am

Ah the yellow fever shot – we can’t enter the country here without it. I remember when I got mine I was so nervous as it’s a pretty high risk immunization (and I’m a wimp when it comes to needles) that after it was finished, I got dizzy and hot & sweaty and had to lay down on the floor. Not a shining moment in my life 😉

Andi of My Beautiful Adventures April 11, 2012 - 11:21 am

I love it when you do color posts, such a brilliant idea!

renee April 11, 2012 - 11:50 pm

I’m with Andi, I love the color posts! So Creative and they’re so much fun to read/look through. Such a good idea.

This Battered Suitcase April 12, 2012 - 5:18 am

Jay – Yikes, I hope I don’t have the same reaction!

Andi and Renee – Thank you so much! It takes a long time to go through all of my photos to find them, but I really love doing these posts…

Naomi April 12, 2012 - 10:34 am

I LOVE that first shot – why can’t poetry be on every wall??

Have you ever heard of going on a colour walk? It’s somewhat of a new way to explore – you go for a wander through any place you like but without any set plan, instead just picking a colour to follow. Turning at a red light, then walking behind a red outfit, then going towards a red car…I’ve never tried it but it definitely seems like a creative way to explore a place 😉

This Battered Suitcase April 14, 2012 - 11:28 pm

Naomi – That is super cool! I hadn’t heard of it, but I will definitely have to try it in a colourful town…


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